
BFGO is a fast, optimizing, BF compiler, interpreter, and REPL.

Also includes a BF formatter and minifier! Implemented in Go. Batteries included

See BFGO on GitHub

BF is an esoteric programming language created in 1993 by Urban Müller. (Wikipedia)


The toolkit includes the following features:

  • Native Compiler
  • JVM Compiler
  • JavaScript Compiler
  • Interpreter
  • REPL
  • Formatter
  • Minifier


The compiler can compile for three different targets:

  • Binary for native execution
  • JVM bytecode
  • JavaScript for running in the browser


Example: $ bfgo examples/ Creates a binary hello. Run with ./hello.

JVM Compiler

Example: $ bfgo -jvm examples/ Generates a JVM classfile Hello.class. Run with java Hello.

JavaScript Compiler

Example: $ bfgo -js examples/ Generates a JavaScript file hello.js and an HTML file hello.html. Run your favorite HTTP server and load hello.html in the browser. The output will replace the document <body>.

The Optimizer

All compile targets can be compiled with the optimizer. The optimizer options are:

  • -F: Fast
    • Uses fast IR generation
    • Results in fast compile times
    • Causes Slow execution
    • use -o-compile or -F

  • -B: Balanced
    • Default behaviour
    • Applies some optimizations
    • Balance between -F and -O
    • use -o-balanced or -B

  • -O: Optimized
    • Uses the full optimizer
      • Dead code elimination
      • Canonicalization
    • Smaller binary size
      • Also performs binary stripping
    • Causes Slow compile times
    • Results in very fast execution
    • use -o-performance or -O


Executes given BF file. There is still room for improvement when it comes to performance. Feel free to submit a PR.

use -interpret


The REPL is a command line interface for the interpreter. It can be used to execute BF interactively.

use -repl


BF formatter bundled with bfgo.

Warning: bffmt currently omits all comments. Feel free to submit a PR for support for comments.

use -fmt

Example formatted snippet from examples/

    [>++++++++<-]> .


bffmt can also minify BF code, leaving only valid characters, minimizing file size.

Cli Flags

--run, -r                  Immediately run binary after compilation (default: false)
--output value, -o value   Specify output binary
--compile-only, -C         Only compile, do not output a binary (default: false)
--clang                    Use clang instead of default gcc (default: false)
--jvm                      Compile to JVM bytecode (default: false)
--js                       Compile to JavaScript (default: false)
--o-compile, -F            Disable optimizations and use fast compiler: fast compile time, slow execution (default: false)
--o-balanced, -B           Minimal optimizations for balanced compile time and performance, default behavior (default: false)
--o-performance, -O        Enable optimizations: fast execution, slow compile time (default: false)
--interpret                Interpret file instead of compiling (default: false)
--repl                     Start a read-eval-print loop (default: false)
--c-compiler-flags value   Pass arbitrary flags to the compiler (gcc, clang or javac)
--c-tape-size value        Integer to specify length of BF tape (default: 30000)
--c-tape-init value        Integer value used to initialize all elements in BF tape (default: 0)
--c-cell-type value        Type used for BF tape in intermediate representation (default: "int")
--d-dump-ir                Dump intermediate representation (default: false)
--d-keep-temp              Do not remove temporary IR files (default: false)
--d-print-ir-filepath      Dump temporary IR filepath, use -d-keep-temp to keep them from being deleted (default: false)
--d-print-compile-command  Print C IR compiler command (default: false)
--verbose, -v              Print verbose output (default: false)
--debug, -d                Produce debug output, overrides -o (default: false)
--time, -t                 Prints out execution time before exiting (default: false)
--fmt                      Format code (omits comments) (default: false)
--minify                   Minify code (default: false)
--help, -h                 show help (default: false)


The following is a benchmark of examples/

Optimization Level-F-B-O
Native (arm64)8 secs580 millis370 millis
Native (x64)16 secs710 millis440 millis
JVM22 secs13 secs13 secs
JavaScript35 secs19 secs5 secs

Native arm64 using entry level M2 MacBook Air Native x64 using Ryzen 5 3600 JavaScript using Google Chrome 106.0.5245.0 dev JVM using latest OpenJDK 18 release